Here sits a little island in the middle of the ocean...

what is a tomodachi life??

tomodachi life is a life sim game starring miis. released in 2013 in japan and (miraculously) in the rest of the world in 2014, it's a sequel to the japan-exclusive DS game tomodachi collection.

the game gives you minimal control over what your miis get up to- unlike games like the sims, you have no control over your miis, instead gently nudging them in one direction or the other and letting them do their own thing when they want to.

deranged screenshots
my history with the game

i got tomodachi life not long after it released in the US- but my history with miis goes way beyond this game. as a wee lad, i would sit in front of the TV and stare at the mii channel. not play a game or anything, no, i would just sit there and look at the miis walk around and maybe even talk to each other. i didnt play any wii games that didnt involve the miis.

as for tomodachi life itself, i quickly became obsessed. i have... a lot of hours in this game. this doesnt include the likely hundreds of hours in citra.

i feel like tomodachi life has grown to be somewhat of a coping mechanism of mine. when the world is scary and hard, i can boot up my 3ds or citra and start involving myself in the utterly mundane lives of my miis. its sort of like the sims in that regard, but without the stress and overpriced DLC.

i just love this stupid little game. its had a greater impact on me and my life than id ever like to admit