Red! Do you know what that means? I'll tell you! I am the most powerful trainer in the world!

blue oak, also known as green oak because of weird translation shenanigains, is my favorite pokemon character. while he is somewhat of a punching bag for most pokemon fans, i see him as a pretty tragic and interesting character. i think he has much more depth than most pokemon fans give him credit for. he isnt just the annoying rival from the first games, hes so much more than that to me!

hoooh boy... blue pokemon.... i think this guy MIGHT like blue pokemon. my user on literally everything for years was BattleLegendBlue. i seriously like this dude. but why, you may ask? i have never actually played a gen 1 one game all the way through on the basis that kanto with no johto is boring.

my answer to that is that i... like him more in the games where he isnt a rival. let me explain myself. though i may theorize and have 30 blue headcanons, blue in the actual gen 1 games is... kinda boring. hes an 11 year old going through a phase, which isnt the most interesting character without the added context of other games. he becomes an interesting character to me when looking at his appearances in gen 7, masters, and HGSS.

in rby, as previously stated, hes just an asshole to red. not as big of an asshole as people make him out to be, mind you, but not exactly kind either. things get juicy when red fucks off to mount silver sometime between RBY/FRLG and GSC/HGSS. in gsc, his attitude doesnt really change at all, but in hgss, he has clearly become an edgy teenager. and i LIVE for it.

imagine this: youre like, 12, and you show up to a deserted island. it has been decimated by a volcano, and you dont know what to expect, but it is certainly not a boy who looks a little older than you. you approach him, only to realize its Blue Oak, the former champion of kanto. you talk to him, and he says (actual quote from HGSS:) "A volcano erupts, and just like that, a whole town disappears. We can go on winning and losing in Pokemon, but if nature so much as twitches, we can be overwhelmed in a second... That's the way it is..." how do you react in this situation. what do you do. what the FUCK do you do in this situation. its so funny to me. why is he saying that to some random kid he doesnt know. that teen angst and the dissapearance of red have GOTTEN to him.

while its barely, if at all, touched upon in the games, i do imagine that he at least partially blames himself for red's vanishing. nobody knows where he is, and he wasnt exactly kind to him. that has to have some negative effects on the psyche of a kid. blue having issues(tm) was complete fanon, until pokemon masters descended from above like an angel. in this god forsaken gacha mobile game, blue drops this line:

"There were lots of times when I felt so beat down, physically and metally, that I didn't think I could keep going."

okay man. sure. alright. awesome. thanks. thanks for confirming my theories dena. the lore of pokemon answers to ME.

but, seriously, this is so fucked up when you think about it. his own grandfather obviously prefers his rival to him, so of course he has negative feelings towards him. not to mention, his parents are nowhere in the picture. he was presumably raised by his sister, daisy. oak must be his only parental figure other than his own sister. and oak prefers red. damn, id hate red's guts too. in FRLG, if you lose to blue in the first battle, oak flat out states that he's dissapointed. im going to hit oak with a hammer.

my extreme feelings of hatred towards professor oak aside, one of my favorite aspects of blue's character is his friendship with red. while this is basically nowhere to be seen in the main series games, only vaguely hinted at in gen 7, masters confirms the two made up and are besties again. like, actually stated ingame that theyre best friends. which i really love... its all come full circle.

blue is just such an interesting character, but i feel like pokemon fans, with their complete inability to read, often mischaracterize him. hes either a completely irredeemable horrible person or a complete pushover with no inbetween when written by the fans. in reality, hes just some guy. hes a powerful trainer, but hes not some untouchable god, but he isnt a complete loser pushover. hes not a horrible person, but he has flaws. why is it so hard for people to understand that?

tl;dr: fuck pokemon fans. play pokemon soul silver