name - lucius (or Three)

age - 19 (july 5)

gender - male (he/him)

height - 5'11"

region - unova and alola. and hoenn. and kalos. and


a high school student at the blueberry academy (who repeated a year or two) with an uncanny resemblance to a certain unovan scientist. generally keeps to himself, is generally very quiet and appears to be unemotional, except among the very few people he considers his friends.


if it wasn't obvious already, lucius has ties to colress. more specifically, colress got bored one day in his early 20s and decided, "hey, i wonder if i could clone myself." and thus, our friend lucius (then called three) was brought into the world. being blunt, colress didn't expect his creation to last long. previous attempts to clone pokemon always ended in disaster, so how could he expect a human to survive and thrive?

survive he did. colress didn't dislike his creation, far from it, he did really care for him, even if not in a very paternal sense. however, he just didn't have a lot of time to raise a child. he ended up pawning three off to whoever would take care of him across region lines. three never had any time to settle down and make friends as a kid. the most stable living situation he had in his earlier life was during colress' time in team plasma. colress was stuck in one region for two years, so he was as well. this led to three being taken care of by some extremely unqualified people (namely one of the shadow triad, who was a shockingly decent parental figure to him.)

even that wasn't meant to last, however, as when plasma's plans were foiled he ended up in alola. by this point, he was around 13, so he could be independent enough to actively avoid colress. now that he was old enough to process that his situation was anything but normal, he had started to hate colress. he spent as much time away from him as possible. colress wasn't a fan of this new development. 1: even if the two clashed, he did really care about three. though he viewed him as more of a science experiment than his own kid, he did miss his company. 2: how was he meant to study the development of a clone if he wouldn't stick around for him to research?!

by the time he was old enough to go to high school, he wasn't even on speaking terms with colress anymore. he resented him for destroying any chance he had at a normal childhood. he couldn't make any friends his age, he had no concept of what having a friend his age would even be like. colress decided to ship him off to the blueberry academy in an attempt to straighten him out a bit. shockingly, this actually worked. he found his only sense of belonging there, and he made friends, even if it was only one or two. he started going by lucius (he was tired of being named a number) and landed a spot in the league club's elite four, to boot. in his junior year, however, he realized that he was existentially terrified of leaving this all behind. how could he ever hope to function in the real world? he looked at drayton constantly skipping his classes and getting held behind a year already and said to himself: "i could do that."

although he was getting on colress' nerves with the whole "repeating his junior year twice" bit, it wasn't like they talked often enough for it to affect him in any real capacity. he was happy and content for once in his life. until a certain teenager named kieran had a joker arc and kicked him out of his spot in the e4.
