3/3/25 - where have i been?

to put it bluntly, i was having one of the WORST times ever. my psychiatrist messed with my medication a little too hard, nearly ended up in the psych ward. really fun times.

college also burnt me out to an insane extent- i ended up attending a community college this year, which im still not *enjoying* but... its better than it was, and ill take what i can get.

im just burnt out. tired. but i went back on abilify, which is basically my miracle drug, and im already feeling a lot better. today i went to the mall, and even though i was scared shitless, i wanted to go and i went, which would have been a dream a few months ago.

most obviously, i got back the energy (and executive functioning) to work on this site! im completely overhauling it, so i hope you enjoy what i have planned. i was overwhelmed by how much random bullshit that i didnt care about that was on the old one, so i want to try and only put things i plan to actually use on this iteration of the site.

thats about all i have to talk about. a lot has happened, but i really dont feel comfortable dumping all my mental health struggles on the internet for anyone to see. wish me luck with the new lorekeeping!