name: paul
age: 20
gender: ??d.f.sdf&?
location: US of A
im paul, an autistic weirdo with a passion for pokemon. ive mentioned it so many times because my life genuinely revolves around it. and, honestly, i wouldnt have it any other way! pokemon is my light in the dark, what keeps me going.
uh, pokemon aside- theres some other things i like. for example, coding this site. i took a long break from neocities due to some personal issues, but im back and better(?) than ever. lorekeeping forever!
i also really love to draw, so expect to see a lot of my art on this site.
more about my identity. im queer, which is a large part of it. i dont know what exactly is going on with my gender, but i find the closest label to be genderfluid or genderfaer. my sexuality is also an enigma, but i think aroace lesbian checks out more than anything else.

games: pokemon, sonic the hedgehog, terraria, guilty gear, tomodachi life and mii games in general
shows: gravity falls
animanga: houseki no kuni, school live!, demon slayer
hobbies: 2d digital art, blender and general digital 3d, attempts at 3d animating, coding. graphic design is my passion!